Professional dancer and passionate teacher from South Yorkshire!

Thursday 2 March 2017

SIGS & Reflection

Phone call with Lizzie Bell: 1st March

So after rescheduling on various occasions and watsapp/audio messaging here and there, Lizzie and I finally managed to check in with each other via phone call. I was in the changing room with a half head of pin curls post warm up, and Lizzie was flitting between work and home life. It was nice to have a conversation just about what we were up to, where we were at in the process and how we were finding it.

I'd just done my first set of activities with my first participant. I spoke to Lizzie about how I would've liked to do fieldwork with the camera but because of difficulties with scheduling and the changing of environment/location each week, it was proving difficult. Therefore, my first real set of shadowing/interview, I would have to learn from and learn from fast. I had though about how the sound may be affecting during a video recording and the angles of the camera from reading, "Video in qualitative research" (Heath, Hindermarsh, Luth. 2010); however I hadn't anticipated how dark it would be backstage - even though I was executing activity prior to the audience arriving. When planning for further activity, I hope to borrow a head torch from backstage to help alleviate this problem. My participant was very kind saying that if I needed any more footage or would like a comparison between venues, then to speak to him again in another theatre. 

Lizzie talked about the interview questions themselves. She complemented the participant on how great the conversations/answers were but said having executed the activity, there were now other questions which she wished she could've asked. Unfortunately, altering the questions now would hinder the consistency and fairness that she is aiming for through her inquiry. We mentioned how this would be a good talking point for critical reflection perhaps and for further inquiry in the future. 

During my practical demonstration, a lot of the questions I had for interview were answered through conversation and explanation. I thought this was hugely beneficial because it reduced the time needed for interview and helped it become more of a conversation. I could refer to things already said and just get a bit more detail and in depth quality to the answers. It made the interview seem much more informal and personal which helped both the participant and I to relax and engage. 

Lizzie and I talked about scheduling. It is essential whilst doing a distance, work based degree to plan, plan, plan. Not only is it hard enough planning around yourself and your own life but to then schedule alongside others is even more difficult. This ten minute conversation between us was enough to prove that. We both said how the continual use of social media and web communication technologies has been a blessing and helped with things out of our control. Skype has enabled Lizzie to converse with people abroad who have strict limitations in regards to wifi allowances, available time and time differences. Watsapp messaging has enabled me to either adapt or confirm activity at short notice depending on situations. 

We finished with quite an interesting discussion about how, if we were looking back on our 'module 2 selves' - what advice would we give to ourselves?

We both said we feel this is the most time consuming to source, read and analyse. Also having never really done a literature review, we found it quite alien to get our head around in regards to its true purpose and structure. 

Another thing we said was DRAFTS! Getting things in early - even if they aren't finished to help gage where we are at, what things are good and what needs more work. 

Email/FB conversations with Bethany Huckle

Bethany and I got chatting when I first began the course in module 1 and she was moving into module 2. I'd happened to be browsing her blogs and taken a real interest in some of her posts and inquiry topic. I then became a participant in her practitioner inquiry. It was really useful having conversations with Bethany because we both have similar backgrounds and working schedules. Therefore, it also made chatting quite convenient. Just before commencing module 3, I message Bethany on Facebook asking for any advice she could give me for the final stretch of this course. I was so grateful when she kindly emailed me some tips on the structure of the assessment and a brief explanation of what to expect in regards to the oral presentation and it's set up. It certainly helped to make things clear in my head and definitely put me at ease a little. 

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