Professional dancer and passionate teacher from South Yorkshire!

Wednesday 22 March 2017

SIG's and CAKE!

So I've become accustomed to finding a different coffee shop each day on tour and making myself a little study spot within it for the afternoon. Today's chosen spot was Berridges in Ipswich! (Definitely recommend it!) I often post a picture on Instagram so that other people on tour can then go check out the places I find.

Whilst engaging in some research for the final artefact, I caught up with Lizzie on the phone whilst she was on a lunch break. It's always great just having a natter and a catch up to keep ourselves at ease during the study period.

Talking points:
  • Where/how we study
  • Separating different tasks and inquiry activities such as literature, interviews, analysis, CR
  • Combing the above for analysis
  • Literature - bullet pointing important points vs in depth writing
  • Artefact ideas
  • Continuing to blog, blog, blog
  • Having our module 2 work in hard copy as a reference 
  • Interviews - audio recorded vs note taking, informal vs formal
  • Scheduling the coming weeks i.e. Our POA

I'd actually just come from a physio appointment where I'd been complaining of headaches and eye aches. During the session I received work on trigger points at the base of my skull and cracking to my upper spine which released so much tension! Advice? Try to avoid looking down too much when studying so it doesn't pull on your neck muscles and dim the screen when possible to avoid strain.

Many module 3 students have said how we wish we'd had more emphasis on literature in module 2 because it is proving to be the most time consuming. I know fellow student have found it convenient to bullet point important points. I find that reading and writing in depth, although time consuming, will help me when writing up the final project analysis so have opted for sourcing fewer pieces but studying them in detail. 

We both agreed that blogging regularly is a huge help and can be used in analysis, as appendices and as references so reminded ourselves to do that. Blog away people!

We discussed our opposing methods of recording data during interviews. I chose to audio record and then make notes on these afterwards. Because I am interviewing colleagues and wanting to build on relationships as part of my inquiry, I wanted to create a more informal atmosphere and have a more conversational approach. I think taking notes during this would've detracted from this and prevented me from giving participants engaging body language such as eye contact and smiling etc - things which I feel make participant more comfortable and at ease during the process as well.

I discussed with Lizzie the upcoming weeks and how I plan to dedicate the final 4 weeks of the study period to analysis and the execution of the artefact. How are you going about the final study period? Would love to hear other people's POA's!

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