Professional dancer and passionate teacher from South Yorkshire!

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Journalling continued....


Tuesday 21st February:

Sent out a company email, via the company manager so that it remained professional, informing them of my inquiry and what I was going to be doing. I wanted to do this as a curtesy so that everyone remains in the know and feels of importance - regardless of whether they are a chosen participant or not. They are still my professional and personal community, and i hoped it would make them feel more comfortable and reduce questions should they see me doing activity outside of my normal routine or walking around with a camera etc. At least 4 company members came up to me straight after receiving the email offering help should I need - it was so great to see how supportive my colleagues were.

Wednesday 22nd February:

Sent out participant consent forms and information sheets before work and then followed this up with informal conversations. These were done by either face to face conversations at work or via email and social media sites such as Facebook and watsapp. At this early this stage in the process, I was already holding longer and more in depth conversations with people I often didn't interact so much with at work. After explaining my inquiry topic and aims with the head of wigs, we had an interesting conversation about how looking into interdisciplinary and the other departments will help with increased responsibility. As a dancer interested in the role of dance captain, he said how a previous dance captain he had worked with was fantastic because they were aware of his plot and they always asked if everything was ok or if things needed changing should there be any show alterations. "It makes my job so much easier." I strongly feel this is because the dance captain understand his role and what it requires, as well as appreciating the changes and adaptations needed to be made on his part in order for the show changes to run smoothly.

Thursday 23rd February:

So today we had a second cover rehearsal where I was playing the role of 'Lisa'. It was nice to do some acting and singing as well as interact with different people on the stage that I don't normally cross paths with in my own track. Being a cover or performing with a cover therefore requires adaptability, different performance skills and vigilance. The cover rehearsal was definitely a team effort because we helped each other with the blocking. I have been on as 'Penny' several times and know her track so I helped the second cover Penny with elements of the role. The guy who normally plays opposite Lisa helped me with parts of her choreography or direction. The deputy stage manager provided prompts because he hears and follows the show every night when calling queues; and the stage manager assisted with entrance and exits as he is the one stood side of stage spotting set moves. It was good to receive some notes afterwards from the resident director as there are sections of Lisa's track that I never see due to being on stage myself or changing costumes. These were related to timing, spacing and direction.


Tuesday 7th March:

Tonight was our opening night, press night and also the 7000 performance of the show in Bromley. Therefore we had a drinks reception afterwards and a buffet for the cast and friends of. It made me smile when a participant who I'd recently conducted my research activities with came up to me. This participant was from a department I don't often come into contact with and as a result, very rarely socialise with. It made me so happy to know that the research activities had enabled me to get to know this person better, both on a professional and personal level. It provided the opportunity to form a better relationship with this person and one where they would go out of their way to chat to me on a social evening as well as at work.

Wednesday 8th March:

Today I conducted research within the wig department and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The head of department was so kind allowing me to get so involved. I helped prepare the wigs for performance - including my own and fellow ensemble members. I was ecstatic to receive such positive feedback from the people wearing the wigs I had helped to prepare. One girl said how her braid that I'd pinned in felt totally secure and another said how impressed she was with the neatness.

Saturday 11th March:

Today, as I was waiting to go on stage with another cast member, they began to complain about another area of expertise within the company in regards to a particular task. I had actually conducted my practical demonstration within said department the previous week so I could share my understanding on the topic of conversation with this cast member. I could also provide some explanation as to why there may have been differences to the execution of this particular task discussed. In a company when your are all trying to put on the same show, whilst trying to do your own job to the best of your ability, it can be so easy to pass the blame. We all rely on one another and we can all come across difficulties within our individual roles. After talking with this company member about my experiences, they then seemed to calm down and share some of the understanding I had recently gained which was a great feeling.

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