Professional dancer and passionate teacher from South Yorkshire!

Thursday 16 February 2017

Module 2 Feedback!

As we begin module 3 'Professional Inquiry', we are required to go through the feedback received from the previous module 'Professional Inquiry Proposal'. This enables us to highlight any questions or concerns, identify areas for improvement or clarity and make amendments to the plan or ideas. It is also useful to hear what you've done well on and can continue to do so moving forward.

"Three questions for effective feedback"

  1. What should I stop doing?
  2. What should I keep doing?
  3. What should I start doing?

Feedback from my tutor

"It might also be good to talk with your company manger and perhaps a fellow performer"

The company manager may have a good insight toward the relationship element of my inquiry as he/she is responsible for maintaining a happy company and establishing ground rules and behaviour amongst colleagues in the work place. I agree that it would be good to reflect and discuss findings with a fellow performer. It may prove interesting to see how opinions compare from the same point of view and working position within a company.

"While you did indicate who you wanted to interview, in the proposal you could have been more explicit about listing this in the text"

I think it would be good to use this point to remind myself of clarity in general. During the first coffee shop Skype it was mentioned how we shouldn't assume people know what we're talking about and how everything must be fully explained and spoken about in detail.

"You now need to go to literature that bring out the ideas from musical theatre, theatre, and performing/acting/stagecraft sources to bring out the ‘magic’ of the theatre. You can use theatre practitioners as well who have written about their craft and their production teams."

In addition to sourcing literature on the inquiry topic and ideas, I must continue to find literature that is relevant and specific to theatre practice/practitioners in order to connect the ideas to my own work. 

"Continue to put critical commentary on your blog and review your work with your tutor as you go forward"

Putting critical reflections and commentaries on my blog will help share thinking, ideas and make sense of the literature/work. Having regular communication and tutorials is essential in order to keep on the right track and check that the literature sourced is of relevance to the topic.
"Get in touch to discuss any additional ethical steps you may need to take"

As suggested in reader 7, I have found a copy of 'Access, ethics and project planning' from literary source 'Video in Qualitative Research'. Because I plan to collate video journals of practical demonstrations, I need to make sure I have covered and considered every ethical angle for carrying out this sort of activity. After reading this and going over my ethical forms from module 2, I will then contact my tutor should I need to make any amends. 

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