Professional dancer and passionate teacher from South Yorkshire!

Tuesday 29 November 2016

My UK debut as Penny Johnson!

Last night I made my UK debut as Penny Johnson in Dirty Dancing at The Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton. I figured it would be interesting to see how cross/interdisciplinary skills and interactions vary between this track and my normal ensemble track. 

Observation grid:

I have decided that I'd like to conduct observation during show pre - set as I feel it is where I can see optimum activity without interfering the production itself. As a pilot activity, I thought it would be useful to journal my own show pre - set, using the observation grid as a reference. 

Order of activities:

Apply own make up
Parish notices (taken by company manager/producer)
Warm up (Taken by Dance captain)
Sound check (taken by Stage manager and head of sound)
Rehearse (with other principles, dance captain, sound & lights)
Prep pin curls and wig cap
Secondary warm up
Get fitted with wig and microphone (by head of wigs)
Change (2 visits to the dressing room from the dresser)
Sound check (taken by sound no.2)
Prepare for beginners 

Interaction during show: stage manager, assistant stage managers, deputy wig mistress, cast members

I find it so interesting that the wig department fit the microphone as Penny. This is because it is situated in her wig. With the big dance lifts and routines required, it is too dangerous having the wires coming down the back. This is a great example of interdisciplinary skills as the wig experts must know how to position the microphone for optimum sound and comfort, whilst using the equipment correctly. As Penny, I had increased interaction with the sound department due to the fact I don't normally wear a microphone. It was so nice to see them! I also got the opportunity to interact with different cast members both on and off stage. Everybody was so helpful. The assistant stage managers helped me with props that I don't normally use and entrances and exits I don't normally do. It was important for me to be polite so that people were willing to help and to not be afraid of asking questions. Prior to the show, the deputy wardrobe mistress approached me and made it very clear that she was there should I need any help and pointed out where my costumes would be set etc. I was still responsible for applying my own make up and prepping my hair for the wig. These are great examples of interdisciplinary skills required from me. I must know how to pin curl most efficiently in order for the wig to have sufficient anchorage and not run the risk of it falling off. I was also responsible for ensuring my body was warm enough for what was required.

Previously, we have discovered how creative success depends largely on others in regards to the affect it has on people and their reactions. This is why I was keen to gather some reviews of my current production, as part of my literature collection. As I made my debut on the opening night (aka press night) in a new venue, I was eager to check out the local reviews from the performance. Take a look at these articles below - as an artist, I'm pretty much on cloud 9 right now!

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